| - As big as this place this and with all the deals on shoes, you would think there would be more than 8 reviews including this one.
Whenever I need shoes for any reason, more often than not, me and the fam end up here. They always have this special where you buy one pair, you get the second pair 50 percent off on designated items.
Now before you even do that, make sure to go straight to the back wall first. That's where they have all the clearance and marked down items. On more than one occasion I have found some really cheap shoes here that I actually needed. Don't be discouraged if you don't find any deals here. You will always have the bogo option. Plus if you come back a week or two later, you should have some newer selections.
Make sure to sign up for the Skechers Club upon check out. It's free to sign up. For every purchase you make, you get points towards discounts and special deals.
As for service, these guys are really helpful. The one person you gotta look out for is the security guy. Depending on who is assigned that day, you could be dealing with one that is really anal about little things. Case in point: My two boys were messing around a bit and knocked down one of the shoes on display. The security guy that day went on a rampage and told us to keep our kids under control or he would kick us all out. Very professional dude.
One last thing, they have a popcorn machine just inside the entrance of the store. Most days, they have popcorn already in little bags ready for you to eat. Just to let you know, the popcorn is pretty tasty with all its salty goodness. Only problem is, they don't sell anything to drink here so I suggest you eat it on the way out. I made the mistake of grabbing a bag as soon as we came in one time and damnit, all I could think about was an ice cold bottle of coke the whole time we were shopping.
So come one, come all! If you shop here long enough, you just might find some good deals for your whole family! Just look out for the security guy if its the anal one.