| - The selection of adult beverages in the place is nothing short of incredible. I absolutely love this place.
I would challenge you to think of the most obscure alcoholic beverage you can think of and see if it is there.
When I first went to this place about a year ago, I went to the 'build-a 6-pack' aisle for beers and went to town. I love how all of the non-seasonal beers are on a rating scale form 0-100 (by some magazine that I can't recall, but an independent judge). Over the course of the next few trips, I dropped about $120 each time and by the time I was done had sampled every beer rated over 85 in the isle (that took quite a long time, as I usually only have 3-4 a week). We ket tabs on the ones we liked and by the time we were done, we had about 7-8 favorites that we return for pretty regularly now (all of which are nowhere to be fond in any regular store). I suppose we could have taken the short cut of just asking the people there for some recommendations based on what we liked in a beer, but 1/2 the fun was the experimentation and trying all the different beers, so we just followed the ratings and picked on our own.
Their prices are better than just about all other options, but for us the distance offsets the dollar savings.. we go there for the selection.
Hint:1: The rating system was bang-on.... all of these beers were really very good, but when we picked the few that were 95+.... WOW.
Hint 2: Once you find a beer you really like on the single bottle aisle, head one aisle over to see if it is available in a 6-pack or 12-pack. Some are not, but a lot are (especially the highly rated ones). You'll save a lot that way. Once we had picked our favorites and switched over to this route, we cut the shopping bill by about half and left with more beverages than we did with all the sampling.
Hint 3: Go on a Saturday afternoon. It's a lot slower than Friday or Saturday evening but they are staffed up for Saturday PM and there are several people around to help if you have questions.