This place is the equilvalent of a grown-up Chuck E. Cheese.... It is loud & there are huge TV's everywhere. The food is reasonably priced and pretty good. I would eat it again. Just not often. We went there for a birthday party and it was really hard to hear anything people were saying, even the people sitting right next to you. I'd have given it 4 stars for the food and prices except that it was just too loud and chaotic there for me. There were about 10 games going on at once on the TV's. Plus, there were pool tables, pingpong, and trivia. With all the of people talking and the music and the games, it was just too much! I wouldnt hang out their all the time but fun once in a while. Oh, The lunch specials are an excellent deal and even come with a beer! How cool is that!?! A free beer with lunch? Awesome!