I get my black car detailed twice a year and have not found a place in Madison that satisfies me yet and this place is no exception. I brought my car in for a exterior and interior detailing. I saw the reviews on here and other places so I was excited to possibly find an auto detailed that I could come back to.
I typically only get my exterior detailed but was feeling extra lazy so I opted for their full service. When I dropped my car off at 8 am they said it should be ready by 1 pm which was the first sign I had that this wasn't going to be done correctly. Typically for just my exterior the car is in the shop until at least 4 pm sometimes much longer, especially the detailing that happens once winter attempts to kill my paint job. Sure enough I get a call around 12:45 stating my car is ready.
Once I arrive I see it parked out in a outdoor dusty parking lot. There was a brief rain shower while it was parked and then direct sunlight. Anyone with a black car can guess what happened. My car looked like it had chicken pox from the now etched in dried rain which also helped in creating a highly visible coating of brown parking lot dust.
Upon further inspection it was obvious this was a rush job as not all of the wax had been wiped off and there were even water marks from improper drying. The employee did spot one of the wax marks and decided to try to wipe it off with a dry rag, something you never want to do to a black car with a coating of dust. It creates instant spidering, which are small scratches visible in direct sunlight.
After leaving highly disappointed I inspected the car further. The interior leather was completely wiped down and treated but there were more signs of an extreme rush job. Floors were vacuumed and all in all the interior wasn't great but if they were the only issues it would have been acceptable.
I got home and walked the outside of the car again. I ran my hand across the front bumper and lower doors to make sure they removed the embedded grit. This grit cannot be removed by standard washing due to being stuck on too hard and has to be removed using a special technique with a clay bar. One of the main reasons for a visit to the detailer as I don't like doing it myself. While it does appear the technique was used on the front bumper the sides of the car weren't touched. A fast inspection by the technician would have found this, yet another sign of rushing.
I paid over $150 for their full package and will now be bringing my car back to a different detailer that I know will take the time to do it correctly. As probably already apparent I am picky about my car. I could do the job myself, and typically do during summer months, but for me it takes a full day which I don't have the time for.