| - There are few reviews on DMV services that actually rate above average- unfortunately this is no exception.
There is always a crowd here. Not just any crowd, but seemingly everyone on the north end of Mecklenburg county in need of DMV services. Very high-volume. You need to get here at 7am in order to wait outside for an hour (opens at 8am), get in, get seated, wait another hour for what seems like no reason at all, talk to someone, and take care of your issues.
Is the crowd the DMV's fault? Absolutely not. Is the fact that they still operate out of a trailer with no more than 1,200 sq ft in use their fault? Yeah, I'd say so. I've been in town for close to 7 years now and have not seen one facility improvement made to alleviate the wait time or spacial constraint whatsoever. Why the local DMV with possibly the highest amount of customers doesn't have a legitimate building is beyond me. Oh and as a side note, as the line sometimes (I use this term loosely) wraps outside the building, better hope it's not raining!
Professionalism. I wouldn't say there is a complete lack, but I've had an instance where I've called ahead to verify information, arrived, wasted hours of my time, and ultimately found out I was missing documents that were not made aware to me on the phone. To make matters worse, and as many DMV's are horrible about this, the representative didn't seem to mind in the least that I was in the predicament, and told me I would have to wait in line all over again.
Overall, I highly recommend either arriving at 7am with all your research done via internet ahead of time (, or make the drive to another semi-local agency, such as in Iredell county. Take my word for it, it will be worth your time.