| - Do not expect an inviting welcome!! This place is like a prison and the workers are just as warm and cozy as a warden. I am only giving one star because I have to in order to write a review. I am a big fan and supporter of customer service. To me, that is just as important as the service itself. It doesn't matter how great that steak was, if the waiter was a complete jerk, your meal has been ruined. That's how I feel about this place. I walked in there on 4 occasions. Once to drop off jewelry and then 3 times to pick the pieces up randomly. Never once was I greeted with a warm smile. Never once was I politely asked how they could help me. Instead I was very coldly asked "can I help you", used in the snotty cold tone of "there is nothing in here that you could afford, so why are you wasting my time". I found this rather odd the first 2 visits, but resumed my business as I had read nice things about this shop. Until another 2 patrons were "buzzed" in. Talk about gushing over them!! It was like the warmth of Heaven had shined down upon them. Warm smiles, excited how can I help you's and actual customer service. All while i was standing there in the corner as if I were a 5 eyed alien whom didn't belong and surely was NOT welcomed. Even when trying to make polite small talk, I was only harshly replied to as if there was nothing I could say to brighten the very heavy mood, and small talk would only delay the process of getting me out the door that much faster. Now let's talk about their services. I turned my ring in to be sized down. It was returned to me with a missing diamond and it was NOT sized (I know this because I took it to my original jeweler and asked him to size my newest bands to the specified size I had JUST paid to have my ring downsized too. He looked puzzled and told me it was the same size as it was when he gave it to me 3 years ago. So, I basically paid for them to lose one of my diamonds. That's nice. Thanks for that. Now let's talk about time. It was supposed to take 10 days to get my other jewelry back. 32 days later, my jewelry was back. I won't say much on their signage, but all (yes there are several) of the signs in which directly made you aware that they have the right to refuse service, you are being watched, and along with the fact that you automatically feel like you are on lockdown from the lack of welcoming "buzzer" to even get in, just did not project the fact that you are a valued client that they are excited to see. So, as you can see, I am not in agreement with the other review patrons. Maybe if I would have walked in there 40 years older, dressed in my Sunday best, I could have been treated with some respect. So to conclude, if you are under the age of 65 and value being treated with respect and enthusiasm that you've chosen them for their services, or are in no rush to get your items back then I suggest you move on to the next Yelp jeweler option, because this is NOT the place for you. I know I will NEVER return.