I highly recommend the DGW team. They couldn't have been kinder, more responsive or responsible. (Past tense because my buddy died very recently.) Rob did more than walk my dog-- he helped Guido trust a human that wasn't me. Guido was a 10-year-old rescue who I found when he was 8. He had too many really good reasons to distrust our species. He hated when I left him alone but also didn't really like being with anyone but me. He was never violent towards anyone-- was always compliant, but you could tell he was scared and even a little pissed off to be forced to chance it with some other person. Asking a stranger to remove him from his house and take him on a walk without me would only have worked if it was the right person.
...And that right person was Rob! He was completely respectful of Guido's trepidation. He reported their progress in our daily journal and seemed proud that Guido was beginning to trust him. Slowly, my old buddy progressed from slow, unwilling walks behind Rob to the fast-for-Guido take-the-lead prance that I enjoyed watching. I was proud of Guido and appreciative of Rob's patient kindness. After their first few walks, Guido didn't eat the treat Rob had left behind... I don't know why. Rob asked me to let him know when he ate it. (After all, food & scratches are the only direct ways we can tell dogs that we care.) When Guido did eat the heart-shaped biscuit, Rob wrote that made him very happy. And I know for sure that he wasn't just saying that.
Mat & Jen are great, too-- one day Mat took Guido for a group walk with some other dogs. He said he could tell Guido would be fine with a group and he was. Again, more excitement from me that I wasn't the only one who recognized Guido's idiosyncrasies and was willing to work with them. Jen made the business side very pleasant, along with the incredible convenience of the online scheduling website.