| - An awesome choice for producer direct beef, Silver Sage offers great quality products at prices that aren't that far off the supermarket. While not certified organic, the humanly raised, pasture fed, grain finished beef has fantastic flavor and is available in a nice range of steaks and roasts, with custom cutting available if you ask.
Our go-to buys tend to be the lean ground beef for everyday use and the incredibly flavorful ground chuck for burgers. The chuck is more fatty and gristly than your regular lean or regular ground beef, but the taste absolutely blows everything else out of the water. Large primals can be had as roasts or cut into steaks, though I tend to go for the more flavorful utility cuts of flank-steak and flat-iron. The flat-iron steak deserves special mention as it features an almost tenderloin level of tenderness with a much beefier flavor (at a fraction of the price of tenderloin). My absolute go-to has to be the short-ribs however. These have to be some of the best cut, most beautifully marbled braising ribs I've found.
The only downside I find is location and hours. As some of the other reviews mention, they can sell out of popular cuts on busy farmer's market days. Though if you place an order for the following weekend, they'll make sure to have it ready for you.
Oh, and one more thing, they've started stocking beautiful beef marrow bones. I haven't worked up the culinary gumption yet to try roasting these bad-boys, but that's on my list for the year.