| - This is a review for Walmart, so I know it isn't surprising to see a low number of stars. However, pretending that somewhere a 5-star Walmart exists (yeah right...), this place is worth 2 at the most. Here is a recap of my last visit:
Deli counter: the woman doing the cleaning had some serious attitude with the women cutting the meat - probably some sort of inferiority complex - that convinced me to actually purchase some Oscar Mayer sliced meat. I wasn't sure which meat was less likely to give me Hep A, but I figured the pre-packed was less likely to have a fingernail, spit, or broken dream mixed in.
Dairy: three pallets of dairy products were sitting in the aisle, waiting to be restocked. One of the pallets had an item I wanted; it was warm. In fact, all the items were warm, and there was no one around to put the products in the fridge. Rather than suffer some exciting GI illness, I moved along in sorrow.
Check-out line: 40 minutes of pure hell. HELL, I tell you. The people in front of me had their cart so full of unhealthy food that I thought I was stuck in the most ghetto episode of Supermarket Sweep ever filmed. The only reason this place gets 2 stars instead one is because a clerk came back from her break to open a new line and invited me out of check-out purgatory to be her first customer. Walmart angel: if you're reading this, you probably saved my life, and I can't thank you enough.
To summarize: just go to Target. Seriously.