If you hire this company to move your things please be advised of the following:
1. The movers are untrained. They did not use any protective padding or coverings to move any of my furniture including just sitting a 42 inch TV in the corner of their truck against the steel frame.
2. They do not stand by their work. When they broke the stand for my TV, the piece that comes with a flat screen and keeps it standing up, they sent me a check for less then $4. funny note: the postage on the envelope was for $6.
3. The movers may try to hustle money out of you. I negotiated a price over the phone. Last words out of my mouth where "That is the Total? No other charges?" She told me that is correct. The first thing I was told when the movers showed up was that there was a service charges for moves more the 5 miles but if I "Took care of him" he would wave it.
4. They may not show up. They failed to show up at the pre set time and proceeded to bad mouth and blame their last "customer."
I wish they didn't show up the second time either.
Good Luck