Stay away! While I waited less than a half hour or so, from the second I encountered the surly and less than compassionate receptionist I worried that I made a mistake by going there. As I was completing the paperwork and trying to console a sobbing and scared 4 year old, she vomited. Great. I told the receptionist that my daughter threw up she gave me a roll of paper towels and a bucket so I could clean up the lobby myself. Gee, thanks for the help! When we finally saw the doctor, he was abrupt and bordering on rude. He definitely seemed annoyed, as if he would rather be anywhere but there treating my child. My daughter tried speaking for herself, telling him her symptoms ( something I encourage btw) but he not only ignored her, but barely acknowledged me! With barely an exam, he announced that it was" probably a virus of unknown origin", said give her Tylenol ( this was after I'd already told him I'd been giving her Tylenol and she was still averaging a 103° fever) and left. No opportunity to ask a single question! He made us feel uncomfortable and like a burden. I will never subject my kids or myself to this place that claims to be a CHILDREN'S urgent care. Save yourself the aggregation and ultimately a trip to a second urgent care or ER ( like we ended up doing and getting a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DIAGNOSIS)