Yes, Long John Silvers actually! for FISH AND CHIPS seriously- I know what you're thinking: what? a fast food place? yes. Hands down, in Phoenix this is the best for fish n chips. Perfect crispy light and airy breading/coating on the fish- tender, moist perfectly cooked fish inside- with no weird brown/grey parts inside!
I have been to quite a few fish 'n' chips places in and around Phoenix, and sadly there aren't very many here. I've tried George n Dragons and a few other so called English pubs around town- and Long Johns has much better taste and quality. Their fries are absolutely scrumptious- they taste hand made not frozen.
I used to visit Long Johns as a kid and they were terrible. They must have changed their recipe, because it's really just wonderful now. Don't laugh- bring home a basket of their food and serve it to the family and ask them how it is. THEN tell them it's Long Johns. They must put some secret ingredient in it that's addictive. Overall, they do NOT taste like fast food at all. It's better than the restaurant stuff anywhere in Phoenix and cheaper too.
I had a hard time sharing small bits of fish with the cats, they fought over it!
Really, really delicious. I wish they had more stores around here because I am not close to one of their restaurants and it's hard to make it to that side of town.