I don't recommend for avian visits.
My bird had a broken wing, and despite being fine for hours after the incident (despite a drooping wing), she passed within 2 hours of treatment at this clinic. Fractures are not typically a life threatening injury for a bird. Also suspicious, when we were discussing treatment for my bird he didn't mention anything about her being at risk for death. He kept pushing to amputate her wing, which isn't the standard treatment for a broken bone in birds. I declined and asked to have it bandaged. When he gave her back to me after bandaging her (and after I paid) he mentioned "there's still a good chance she won't make it." The doctor was rude and demeaning, and as far as I am concerned, my very loved bird would still be alive if I hadn't brought her to Dr Starks. He made me feel awful about the accident, as if wasn't already in tears. She suffered from the moment I handed her over to their tech (who was not gentle and wouldn't let me take her back to the room, so my bird freaked out and was biting her), until she passed.
They may be fine for cats and dogs, but I suggest avoided them for avian visits. I regret my choice to bring her here.