| - In Condor's world, there are 2 types of women: those women that can wear Lycra Daisy Duke Shorts with clingy baseball jerseys and those women who can't. Fortunately, at the Horse & Hound there a lot of women who can.
I went to the H&H for obvious reasons: the Off Track Betting. There is a separate room for betting away from the Sports Bar/ Restaurant and when I peered inside, I realized there were too many people in there to whom I owed money.
Companion and I settled into a table in the Sports Bar where we were greeted by the aforementioned DD Shorts Wearing Beauty (w/o a name tag alas). Now Condor is the master of decorum, but still subject to the occasional Freudian Slip. When the DD Shorts Wearing Beauty asked "What would you like?" I innocently retorted "How about 2 of you in a glass?" DD Shorts Wearing Beauty blushed and Companion whacked me over the head with the gold pointed sharp corner of the menu.
Having soothed Companion with a Salty Dog and using a cold compress for my wounded head, I swept the blood off the menu and perused. Typical bar fare, but in abundance. Companion and I dined on wings, cheeseburgers and cold Miller Lite in between Companion venturing into the betting parlor on my behalf.
The H&H has one of the best selection of HD TVs with sports from around the globe, including Condor's childhood game in Kuala Lampur: Rugby! As I was engrossed in a match from Hong Kong, Companion emerged from the betting parlor with a man who she said "Knew me." Knew him I did and I knew that he would remind me of the $300 I owed him from the Super Bowl bet of 2003. Carl, with a "K", also reminded me of the balance due, based on a reasonable rate of interest..
Assuring him that I could pay him if I went to the ATM at the bank on the corner, I encouraged him to sit with Companion and have a drink on me served by DD Shorts Wearing Beauty. Slipping out into the Green Cadillac El Dorado, I exited.
Companion finally accepted my calls three weeks later. She said she and Carl, with a "K", hit it off at the table but were interrupted by the process server who delivered Carl, with a "K" a summons. We agreed to return to the H&H to relive the good times, but this time wearing a rather oversized hat to hide my recognize-able features.