Nooooca... na na na na Nooooca. The Kinks... that's what I was going for. It was was the song I was singing in my head when Cookie and I stopped in the other night for a first time in a long time. It was so frickin good. I told Cookie that I felt like a Noca virgin again. Eliot contributed to that sentimental feeling by forgetting our names (that look of "I know I should know your names" was priceless), but we can forgive him even if we did bring him chocolate and macaroons from Pierre Herme in Paris. Did you detect the sarcasm? Anyway, I kid. The dinner was fabulous and is one of the few restaurants (maybe 3 in Phoenix) where I don't ever think "I can make this at home". Not that I am a chef either. I'm just an arrogant jerkface sometimes.
Nooooca... na na na na Nooooca.
Impeccable ingredients, complexity of dishes and unique flavor matches make creations that are really unmatched. As the French might say, "Muchas gracias!"
Nooooca... na na na na Nooooca.
Like some reviews say, the adult beverages are not cheap. The lists lean towards the high-end, but this is a high-end restaurant. I never mind the food prices and accept that wine is pricy, but like any other restaurant, the prices creep closer to retail as you go up in quality and price. Yes, I know that high price does not mean better quality.
Nooooca... na na na na Nooooca.
p.s. The website still needs help... My computer, phone and I hate PDFs.
Nooooca... na na na na Nooooca.