Minus this place being so crowded you can always buy a large quantity of items for a decent price. Be prepared to spend more than what you expected on your debit card or Amex credit card. To be methodical and logical start by ordering a super large pizza cheese/veggie/supreme pizza for $10 to go -it's the best deal. Oh but be sure to take advantage of the scanners for a faster check out - accepting cards only (mentioned earlier). Look at the electronics, and pick up photos if you have any. Check out the jewelry area if you're so inclined to really shop.
Food trial stations throughout the area for you hungry snackers. Scan for some reasonably priced basic seasonal clothing, furniture and other items. Maybe if you need to pick up medicine from the pharmacy or need an eye check up you can definitely come here. After you have loaded your shopping cart with tons of items go straight to the scanner check out. Pick up your pizza and then head straight to the doors with your receipt ready. You made it!!
Sometimes you have to come here often just in case your fave foods are not in "season." Also, you can come here for replacing tires and gassing up your car. One stop shop for almost everything here.