Please people do NOT bring your babies out here!
I have to go to Vegas regularly for work and have to stay downtown so I have spent a lot of time by default down here. I love the FSE because it is free, vibrant and loud. The scenery is ever changing and you can drink openly. In fact those giant football cocktail slushies remind me of New Orleans (with less brick).
You can have your picture taken with Elvis, Kiss, a handsome man in a g-string and some other people so bizarre they defy description. But like every place where drunken revelers gather, there is a lot of smoke, vomit, urine and all manner of incredibly lewd behavior.
The bands are great (especially enjoyed Loveshack) and play free all night long but the bands are LOUD. Think about how that sounds to delicate baby ears asleep in the stroller. It always bothers me to see parents pushing little ones through this melee. Last night I saw one drinking Jack right out of a bottle positioned in the stroller next to the pacifiers. Really? Really this isn't an experience for the young 'uns. Please get a babysitter. Your children will thank you.