My sister introduced me to this jewel of a place! When you walk in everyone greets you with a smile and a hello. The food is phenomenal with flavor and spiciness! From the falafals to the wraps and to the different platters you can order, it is a plethora of tasty choices for anyone that has the pleasure of stopping in. One of the coolest things about this place is that if you buy a gift card, you get a small discount in the process...and if you go to Dolce Wrap as often as I do, it's a steal of a deal! Placed on the west side of the Westgate shopping center (facing 210/Wagar) it may be difficult to spot this place but you should definitely stop in. Dare I say I enjoy it even more so than Aladdin's? Yes. I love this place!!!! Try it out and see for your self, I promise you will not be disappointed :) It is Aladdin's (but better) meets the platform of Panera's or Chipotle (no tipping).