If you like cooking Mexican food, this is a great place to stock up on ingredients. You wouldn't know it from the name of the store, but it definitely caters to the hispanic food-eating crowd. Fruits and veggies here are cheap, and will decay on your countertop faster than fruits & veggies from a more commercialized store. I take this as a good sign, because it shows me they don't go heavy on the preservatives. They have a great selection of meats & mexican cheeses, their milk is delicious, not overcreamy like some commercial brands, they make all of their tortillas and pico fresh, and they have a restaurant right in the store that serves freshly cooked Mexican food. I've yet to eat there, but there always seems to be people there ordering food. They also have this fruit bar that is unique to Mexican culture. This store is worth checking out, and provides a nice alternative to Walmart and commercialized grocery stores. Worth checking out at least once.