I've lived here for 8 mouths and I can't wait to move the f out.. When I first moved in we did the walk through And it looked great but after two weeks I notice a crack in my toilet they had just painted over the toilets and tubs and sinks so a mouth the paint pilled off.. Their not kid friendly at all the lady in apartment 258 is a b***hy cat lady with six cats she complains About everything especially the kids. She'll be here until 2017, the lady upstairs from the grill is a racist b.. Besides tho two b's I have to say everyone else have been awesome.. The office ladies And the maintenace crew seem nice. But Like I said it's not a place for kids not at all.. No bikes balls or chalk is aloud. There's no where for the kids to play and their not even aloud to play outside without you right with them... The need a sign that says no kids aloud they talk about how their an equal oppationty living but then after you hind out their really not if you have kids don't move here....