We must be the only people having really bad experiences with the owners/management (avesta). We will be vacating in about a month (Thank goodness) and we can't wait to get out. We had a car towed from a PAID parking spot (which they told us was against their policy) and couldn't be bothered to let us know - we have 2 cars and didn't need to drive the first one so much, so it was awesome to find out they had our car towed after who knows how long. Seriously? We pay for this spot, are you going to give us our money back for that spot? They also sent us a notice to vacate to fill out which stated it needed to be turned in 30 days prior to the last day. OKAY, so we do just that, then they tell us it needed to be turned in 60 days prior (regardless of what the paper said) so we now get to pay another months rent to this awful place, because of THEIR misprint! So so happy to be finally leaving this place. Good riddance.