| - I purchased a Groupon for $19 for admission for 2. On top of my Groupon, was a tax just below $3, so my admission for two totalled just under $22.
I first heard of Reptilia 15 years ago. When it came to Woodbridge for what feels like a decade ago, I was thinking YES, MY TIME HAS COME, but never found a friend with enough interest to go with me. Now, an adult, I can go whenever I want and have adult friends who aren't terrified of reptiles. So we decided to go one Sunday afternoon around 2pm. The cashier greeted us, scanned my Groupon, and told us when the next theatre showing would be. We then entered the zoo part of Reptilia to the right. Just like an aquarium, everything is behind the glass for your and the animal's safety. I saw kids banging on glasses trying to get their parents to pay attention to the reptile, so I would hope the glass is strong enough to withstand a lot of pressure from annoying children. Otherwise, we're all doomed for. My childhood dream of visiting Reptilia was pretty much complete during this visit. I watched a turtle trying to drown another one, and a snake vomit. This was while other attendees were focused on other showcased reptiles, so I saw the action front and center.
The most annoying part of my visit was when it came to the 3:45pm feeding of alligators. Parents started putting their kids over their heads and stood in the middle so shorter people under 8ft (them+child) behind them couldn't see anything. It was sheer ignorance. A minute before the feeding, one Reptilia worker shouted for everyone to let the shorter kids to the front so they could see the feeding, and told everyone else to line up from shortest to tallest. Most people complied. However, this one ignorant man in front of me let his child off his arms to let his child go stand at the front. He then continued to STAND NEAR the front so I, and three other shorter teens/women couldn't see behind him. I ultimately had to ask for him to crouch. He did so with a -.- face. Look, I understand if you want to be close to your kid for their safety, but we ALL paid for this experience, and he was hindering four people's enjoyment. I think it was rational that I moved back so children could go in front of me, but it was pretty wtf for him to not move an inch from his original postion when he stood near the front. At least be respectful and crouch?
I was turned off from the whole disorganization of the feeding, with no real fault to Reptilia's employees. Maybe the viewing could be better enforced.
Overall, my experience of Reptilia was a pretty memorable one. My friend was meh about it all. Definitely worth the Groupon deal though, in my opinion.