We were renters of ARP. My husband decided to leave me in the January 2014 and left me 2 months late on the rent which I did not know. I sent them 3600.00 dollars when my income tax check came in February. This was within the time frame of the three day notice I received. Everything was fine for three weeks then all that money reappeared in my bank account. Then I got an evict notice again. I called numerous times leaving messages and got no return calls back until I finally got someone. I asked her what the deal was and she said it was policy. I told her the policy stunk and it was against the Florida law. She connected me to the SUPERVISOR and asked him why this happened. He said he didn't know. If the supervisor couldn't explain and the company didn't want our money then how am I to sleep at night not knowing what to expect. I had three kids looking to me to keep them safe. I moved out because I had no money to fight this crap with an attorney. This company was pathetic to say the least. If you enjoy sleepless nights with incredible stress by all means this is the company to do business with.