My house has termites (I know, gross) and so I called our regular exterminators (City Wide) for a quote. To do my due diligence and feel good about myself, I also called a second company for a quote. Just as always, City Wide scheduled an appointment (that fit my schedule), arrived on time TO THE MINUTE, and sent a very nice, knowledgeable exterminator. They then quickly followed up with a very good price. I cannot say any of that about the other company, which just reminds me why I use City wide in the first place. We have used them for years and I am surprised to see some of the negative reviews.
Our normal exterminator is a young guy named Alan. He is always so friendly, cheerful and oddly enthusiastic. I once suspiciously questioned him about this because I hate bugs more than my kids hate Brussels sprouts, and he shared with me a nostalgic childhood tale about killing ants in his driveway and always knowing in his heart that he was meant to be an exterminator. I thought it was weird, but also reassuring because someone out there has to kill my bugs.
I am thankful for Alan and for all the bug-killers like him as I look forward to next Saturday when they kill my stupid termites.