First let me say the performers, especially the dancers, were excellent as was the juggler, Mike something. I wasn't too crazy about Dean Martin. Lousy imitation of Dean.
The big reason for the lousy rating is the ridiculous volume blasted throughout the show. At times it was actually painful. I wish I had ear plugs. I sat there with my fingers in my ears it was so ridiculously loud. My hearing is more important to me than looking silly with my fingers in my ears. As we were sitting close to the stage, I'm sure the performers were wondering who the fool with his fingers in his ears was. The women were beautiful and talented (Don't miss the hula hoop girl, Tamara) and most of the singers were very good but way too loud. The band was also good but way too loud. I don't understand why all the instruments, brass and sax included, needed their own microphones for such a small venue. One of the trumpet rips was so loud it was painful. If the volume was cut in half it still would have been loud but maybe bearable. I did give my comments and expressed my dissatisfaction to one of the employees. He agreed with me but at least he had earplugs just like all the performers. That should tell you and the show's management something.