| - I understand that this restaurant is the oldest building in Tempe and that the menu gives a brief history of the man who built it (and named the city of Tempe "Tempe") but is it really that historical? Come on people, they sell girls' tank tops with bulls on the front (buy one get one half off)!
I think everything in Tempe is overpriced (apparently). And Monti's sort of falls under this category, although not ridiculously so.
The food is super delicious, here. However, I ordered my Roquefort burger medium and it was beyond well-done. Luckily, I usually order my burgers well, so I didn't mind (but I know a lot of people that would be really upset about this). My complaint is that they don't have the best list of beer on tap. But this is a fairly common complaint for me, so I won't dock them any points for that.
The service (in my experience) is super friendly, attentive, and randomly slow, all at the same time. I'm not actually sure how they manage to be attentive and slow at the same time, but that's the way it is here.
Oh, and it's insanely funny that the placemat is a "souvenir placemat".