The biggest and best consumer electronics show in USA. I've been to this show twice already. It's closed to the public. Only available to business. My company sent me and put me up at the Venetian, and wow it gets super busy during CES week. CES is also the same week as the Adult Entertainment expo so not only is there new geeky electronics but super hot women too look at the same time. Not sure how the event was for 2010, i skipped that year but for 08, and 09 i could've just lounged at the Venetian and listened to the high end audio manufacturers. $40,000 speaker systems are no joke, they sound incredible. At the LVCC, there's tons of toys to play with, you can demo 3D ps3's, computer drum kits, and there's usually some big name actor there promoting movies. In 2008 when Pioneer was still developing plasma TV's they demo'd their concept plasma TV in a private screening room. All i can saw is WOW and i had to pick up my jaw from the floor. Too bad that LCD Tv's is getting all the attention now. Nothing can beat that color depth of a Pioneer Plasma HDTV. I'll just have to stick with the #2 in Panasonic plasma Tv's, i wonder what they're going to have in 2011...probably more 3D crap! 3d needs to go the way of HD-DVD's and Laser-discs and BetaMax.