| - I think the first time I set foot in Amos' was about eight years ago for a Seven Mary Three Show (Rock Crown is one of the best albums. Get it!). It was a lot different layout back then.
And for the life of me, I still cannot finger out just where things were or how it was formatted compared to now. The bathrooms were over... and the bar was... and the tiny stage that... clueless.
Coincidentally, I think my first show there after the renovation was another 7M3 show. Compared to what it was, the place was HUGE. The addition of the upstairs and multiple bars was nice, but the sound... oh the sound.
I have seen it all there. Suicide Girls burlesque, metal, R&B, midget wrestling, hip hop, cover bands, and anything else that falls into my schizophrenic tastes of all things entertainment.
Back in 2007, when Scott and I were starting Beards BeCAUSE, we needed a solid venue that could handle the local music firepower that we had for our Finale. It also had to be big enough for the shaving station and silent auction.
I remember the shear panic I was feeling when John, the owner, told me he would be impressed if we got 250 to attend. We came close to doubling that (and then doubled THAT the next year!), which made him VERY happy and set the standard for our yearly event.
The security crew are the biggest, most caring dudes that you could never pay me to mess with in a sticky situation. And the bar staff is always cool under fire with your next cool beverage at the ready.
With a capacity of about 1200, it attracts all the mid-sized touring acts as well as opening their doors for the locals to showcase their talent with professional sound. Amos', as a venue, is a cornerstone of the Charlotte music scene, hands down.