| - This review is mostly for the Emergency Room. I had a bike crash on a Friday at lunch hour. I rode my bike home, to ditch my computer and work files, and to make sure it was safe. Took a taxi to Good Sam, and it took almost the entire taxi ride for my insurance to verify I was headed to an ER that is "in Network." Pretty stresful, but once I walked through the doors, most of that changed.
Sure, there was a lot of painful waiting around in a hallway in a wheelchair. But, hey, it's an emergency room. I found the system to be very organized and the employees to be helpful and compassionate. There were a couple of fails on the doctor's part. She offered me pain meds, and then forgot to order them. I had to ask a nurse, and then they arrived quickly. Doc also forgot to order antibiotics for my road rash, but I received a voice mail shortly after discharge that hooked me up with germ-fighters.
When I was discharged, I indicated I intended to walk to Walgreens, since I live in the neighborhood. I was referred to the hospital pharmacy, which I expected to soak me. But it only cost me $14 for 2 kinds of pain meds and stool softener (yes, I said it and no, it hasn't worked yet). Pharmacy gave me a beeper and I was able to peruse the lovely and overpriced gift shop. If I was hospitalized, there were many items there that I would appreciate receiving. Good gift shop.
I was there for approximately 4.5 hours. I had triage, xrays, and an EKG. I was admitted immediately, no waiting. I don't have much experience with ERs, so there you go.
Props to the skinny blond "tech" guy, who entertained me by exchanging restaurant reviews while he irrigated my wound.