I enrolled two daughters at the school. After several classes I pulled them out.
Here is why: I expected disciplined classes with knowledgeable professional instructors and a true learning environment. Instead, I found unreasonable favouritism and a bad attitude directed at the kids. Victoria, marketing herself as an experienced ballerina, teacher and a graduate of the prestigious Vaganov Ballet School of the former Soviet Union is no more than a self absorbed authoritarian bully. She has a panache of lavishing attention on her few favourites and disturbingly disregarding the rest. Furthermore, she is mean and condescentding and forgets she is working with young children. An experienced teacher spreads positivity and can bring out the best in everyone.
When I politely questioned her methods and why my children are ALWAYS put in the back row during her classes she discounted my query by saying "your children are not very smart and they can't keep up". For the record, both girls (grade 5 & 7) are at the top of their class in all subjects at school.
Victoria has been in business for many years now. Being a self described great educator I am left with a void when I try and reconcile her "greatness" with her results. Where are her former favourites and graduates of the Academy? Does anyone know?