I went when they were open for several months, hopefully in time for them to have ironed out any snaffus.. Wrong. The experience was mediocre at best, and I found the atmosphere laughable. They could have used a consultant for interior ideas and definitely should have splurged on NEW, MATCHING computer equipment. The machinery was all old and refurbbed-looking, and all mismatched. For a place labeling itself as an internet cafe, this i pretty comical.
The smoothie was subpar. I opted for a pretty basic strawberry-banana-pineapple blend and was shocked when I saw concentrates being pumped into my cup from the back. I'm totally cool with frozen fruits used in smoothies, but concentrates? Oh hell naw.
The server was not very personable and looked disheveled. Very much so less than professional. He wasn't unfriendly, he wasn't rude.. Just kind of robotic.
We probably wont go back. It was a lot of money to drop on a smoothie made from concentrate.