I was pretty disappointed after my dinner at Couscous tonight. I went with my family-- five adults and two children-- and we all ordered dinner and appetizers. My salad was nothing like the menu description and came with--get this-- quartered BabyBel minis instead of goat cheese. I stated to the server, "I thought this came with goat cheese," and he responded that it WAS goat cheese. Really dude? I mean, tell me you ran out. Tell me it was a mistake. Tell me pretty much ANYTHING, but don't lie to me. I know what freakin' goat cheese tastes like. My Mother had lamb that she said was incredibly tough. The hummus and baba ghanouj were mediocre. Meh. It happens. Afterward, we were listening to a street musician a few yards from the door when the server ran out hollering about us not paying... except we did pay and had the receipt to prove it. I'm not outraged, the service was fairly friendly, but the food was a bummer and the fibbing waiter left me unwilling to spend my money at Couscous again.