Can't give zero stars, so one will have to do. I have had numerous issues with this Credit Union as a whole, but the most recent, and most serious to date, was when I deposited money in the ATM at their branch. I did not receive a receipt, so I checked my checking account one business day later and there was no pending or already deposited money showing. I called their customer service line and she said she showed no record of my deposit, pending or otherwise, and that I need to stop into the branch. I went in to talk to them and they also showed no record of the money I put into their ATM for my account with them. The most they could do was give me a blank piece of computer paper and have me write out a detailed statement of what I did. They then took the paper and said they will contact their ATM company to have them come check it out. They said it will most likely be next week before I hear anything back and made no guarantees that they would be able to tell me where my money went. Oh, no worries, take your time. I didn't have any bills due in the next few days or anything...