For me, T&T is more like free entertainment than a shopping destination. I can easily spend hours wandering the aisles, reading labels, discretely checking out other people's carts, and then only buying one or two things ("Birds' Nest White Fungus Drink" is always a suitable gift!). It's definitely a cultural melting pot and the behaviors that make a trip to Safeway tolerable (smiling at passersby, making eye contact, saying "excuse me", making room for people to pass, etc.) aren't the norm, but I've never actually been treated outright rudely. In fact, the staff are usually extremely helpful and want to share their cooking tips with me. If you're looking for a special Asian food item T&T is probably your best bet in Calgary; it's also a good stop if you're looking for cheap produce (herbs especially are at least 50% cheaper than at most major supermarkets).