| - I had been a member of 24 Hour Fitness since I was 15 years old, but upon moving to Las Vegas when I was 25, I discovered that the facilities were not that great. Also, I love to run out doors and in Vegas that's not enjoyable in the summer months.
I canceled my membership at 24HF and started working out in my community club house gym, but was strapped to a treadmill for the 3 hot months of the year.
Last year my friend and work out partner joined LVAC to step up her getting back in shape after having 3 kids in 3 years. I decided to join as well to be moral support and continue working out together. I was looking forward to using the indoor track and also having a larger supply of weights and machines than our club house gym had available.
- you can cater your membership to your needs. Standard or some add on features like towel service, kid care, monthly trainer session, racquetball, etc.
- I prepaid for my membership contract and received an additional discount off the monthly price.
- large locker room, always a locker available
- group Exercise classes (see below)
- indoor track
- gym has so many members and employees that it seems impersonal even though I'm in there many times per week
- the weight room down stairs always has a funky smell. We say it smells like fromunda cheese...Urban Dictionary that one :)
- some of the group exercise instructors are not as good as the others
I'm a big fan of the group exercise classes. And NO I don't think Zumba qualifies as exercise. But to each his own. I like Body Pump, Boot Camp and Spin. Sunday 9:30 am Body Pump with Ingrid, she is by far the BEST instructor this gym has! MWF 5:30 Body Pump instructors rock it as well. Boot Camp on Wed at 6:45 Ray is good, but wish he would switch up the routine a little, it gets very redundant.
Either way this gym has it's pros and cons like every gym, and it has busy and slower times, but overall it's a great place to go and work out.