I was not going to write a review in Yelp for this Magic Touch but after reading the reviews that have been posted i felt like I had to. I had the worst AC technician (Ken) ever. I called them because the drain for the condensation tank was plugged. I suggested that he use compressed air and blow the line out and he recommended a "nitrogen flush". Well I never heard of this so I thought he's the expert. He then went and inspected my condenser. This is where it got good. He recommended 2 lbs. of R22 at a cost of $290. The unit was blowing cold air. if it was down 2 lbs. it would not blow cold. The fan motor is supposed to pull .8 amps. it was pulling .87 amps." You need to get that replaced because it is going to fail this summer." Really! that is utterly ridiculous. Oh and that nitrogen flush is $125.00. There were other ridiculous charges on the bill that brought it up to $1240.00 but that wasn't the worse of it. After he gave me the estimate i realized that this company is in the business of fleecing customers I just wanted to get him out of my apartment.When he put everything back together I had to tell him how to put the AC filters in. He put them in wrong. I don't blame him for his inexperience, i blame the company for their lack of training. From my experience this company trains their employees to use scare tactics of catastrophic failure on their customers. Rich Morgan wrote a response to my review. he did bring up some valid points. Now let me tell the rest of the story. I did not go with the estimate that was given to me by ken. Instead I called another AC company and they came out and unplugged the condensation drain with a vacuum instead of the $125.00 nitrogen flush. Savings $125.00. it did not end there. The unit quit blowing cold the next day after Magic Touch was there. I then called the reputable AC company to see what was wrong. the valve on the suction side was loose causing the freon to leak out. The magic Touch Tech did not check the valves after taking his gauges off. Cost of new Freon $529.00. Companies like Magic touch think everybody is mechanically inept and AC systems are magical things that take rocket scientists to work on them. Rich seems to have lost quality control with his business.