| - As busy as I am, the possibility of finding time to lay out in the sun is next to impossible. I started going to this particular Palm Beach Tan two years ago in preparation for my (first) trip to Hawaii. The facilities are very clean and cheerful (bright yellow and blue colors) and I got the tan I wanted without much effort on my part.
During my weeks of tanning, I discovered something else, though: the sessions were therapeutic. After working all day, I'd go there and lay for 10-15 minutes on a tanning bed with nobody talking, no computer screen to look at, and absolutely nothing to do. I was forced to relax. I found myself getting a well-needed break and, oft times, falling asleep! I left not only getting tanned, but getting rejuventated!
I started up again this past summer in preparation for my trip to Acapulco. During the winters, I can go on "break" so I don't have to sign up again for new membership. I only get charged $5/month and then I get that money back (towards my fees) when I start going again. Plus, their hours are such that you could go almost any time you want. Very convenient!