If you're into freaks and geeks and toothless people with gnarly effing B.O., this Fry's is your place.
No joke.
Go to Sunflower instead. Or at least Safeway. It's probably . . . safer. Really. After moving to Arizona I learned (at Fry's) why all the Costcos have big signs in the front that read, "NO GUNS". One night at Fry's some dirty, creepy, smelly kook started talking to us in line. When he turned around to walk out, we noticed a huge fuc&ing .45 on his waist! WTF is up with AZ gun laws?! And WTF is up with Fry's? Are they trying to win an award for biggest dump of a grocery store?
I think you can become addicted to crystal meth by default just by walking through this store!