Unfortunately, this Safeway is a few blocks from my house. I've been coming here for 3 years and never had any issues here besides the occasional person asking for money in the parking lot. Being the sucker that I am, I usually give it to them.
Today was different. As I waddled my pregnant self towards the cashier with my antsy 16 month old in tow, I noticed the cashier giving me a death stare. Whatever, I shrugged it off. We all have bad days. Then, as I started to pay, she said to the little girl with her mom behind me, "Oh good you only have a few items because this is supposed to be an express lane." With another death stare aimed in my direction. As I looked up, I noticed the 20 items or less sign. I apologized and was only met with more attitude. The little girl behind me asked if she did something wrong and the cashier said "Oh no honey YOU did nothing wrong."
I went home and counted my items. There were 22.
It was an honest mistake but the way the cashier handled the situation was totally out of line. All because I got into the wrong lane by accident with two items over the limit.