This was a delightful surprise today and everyone in my family enjoyed the occasion. Definitely a Chipotle type of setup with a large selection of items to customize your dish and make it special and unique.
Inside is very nice and simply decorated. We were excited that they were not blasting music at a crazy loud level and we could actually hear ourselves chewing. Nice!
Ordered the Steak bowl with Wok glazed Veggies on Rice Noodles and covered it with their tasty Thai Peanut Sauce. Really liked being able to load up as many topping as the bowl could handle. Even managed to lose a couple on the floor as we walked to the table. LOL!
My wife and Granddaughter worked together on a Chicken bowl with both Mixed Greens and steamed Veggies and of course a good soaking of their Thai Peanut sauce. It was fun watching the 2 year old nibble on the pieces of chicken and veggies. She even tried using the Grammy's chopsticks but decided to go back to using her fingers.
Service was friendly and the place was very clean. They were very good at helping us during the ordering process and made sure to give us a big side of crispy Wontons for our little munchkin.
Overall we enjoyed the experience and will be coming back again. Look for their specials in the weekly mailers. We found a buy one get one free coupon and had to take advantage of it on this visit. OH YEAH BABY!
3.75 STARS