| - After having seen the demise of two 'Soul Food' restaurants in this space over the course of four months, heartbroken that they couldn't make them go and missing the fried chicken like mad, I was happy to see something else 'small' open in this site.
I had gone once with a co-worker and didn't actually order anything, but this past week decided to give it a go. I was sick of my leftovers, and wanted something different.
I used to occasionally hit the Qdoba, and although they do tend to be big and flavorful, they also tend to be much bigger in price tag than they need to be. They recently eased up on that by making things that used to be outrageously 'extra' not extra, but a burrito still comes with a hefty price tag.
Bea's offers a basic line of Burritos, enchiladas, tacos and quesadillas. They have their own creations, and the basics.
For my first go, I opted for the basic 'original' burrito. I had a choice of meats, so I chose steak. (Actually, according to the hand written paper on the wall, I had my choice of 'meet').
It was about the same size as Qdoba, stuffed with rice, beans, guacamole and steak, a little cheese, and came with a side of some kind of sauce that was tasty, though not too zingy.
After I'd placed my order and paid, THEN I noticed another paper sign on the wall for nachos, but since I'd already paid, I decided not to try. They really could work on consolidating their signage a bit.
I got my burrito back to the office and devoured it in about five minutes.
And I am torn.
The price is about the same, now that Qdoba has eased up on their 'extras'. But the flavor, though pretty much probably bioengineered at a chain like Qdoba, IS more flavorful.
Bea was a little bland. They could toss in a few more seasonings and I'd be hooked. Kick it up with some true Mexican hot sauces, and I'd definitely be hooked.
But I suppose my bottom local. Additionally, although I know the holiday spirit nonsense, I wasn't too keen about Qdoba giving a portion of sales to Catholic Charities this past year. That prevented me from going at all.
Bea does have seating, and everyone was very nice. The check out gal (Bea?) is a stunning woman reminiscent of early 80's new wave style. Another plus? The kitchen crew actually appears to be...Mexican, or at the very least of some Hispanic extraction. That's a plus. They also have a cooler stocked with a variety of Latin culture beverages, in addition to the usuals. They also take credit cards.
So flip that coin...but end its flight in mid-air. Buy local. Check out Bea's.