I have eaten here for years and years as the movie theatres and surrounding restaurants (and even an entire row of buildings!) has come and gone. YC's has remained and it's still as tasty as ever. Grab a bowl (don't bother getting the big one if you can save a buck, there's no way you'll be able to eat the full portion of even the smaller bowl, lol), grab a wax paper to smush all the good ingredients down into the bowl, and go to town. I like that they added extra bowls up by the sauces a while ago, since previously you were guaranteed to slosh sauce all over your tray :P
The ingredients are always fresh and tasty, they have a nice selection of options, and the sides at the end are nice (I like the tasty, if not a bit salty beef soup - add a glob of brown rice into it and mm it is delish!). Also, after trying Genghis grill - YC's system of keeping the meet choices cold/semi frozen is the way to go - the meat looked NASTY at Genghis in comparison.
It's not a fancy place, it's not the cheapest place for quick food... but man if you want to eat some dang tasty stir-fry until you need to unbutton your pants and call a flatbed truck to take you home - YC's is the place!