I love the CN Tower, and I am a local for it. It's your typical tourist trap, but let's face it - when you're visiting Toronto, besides the Blue Jays, what else do people think of when they come to Toronto? I'll be honest, it's super expensive to come here as a local OR as a tourist. There are no discounts for locals, UNLESS you get to the CN tower by doing the Edgewalk. The Edgewalk is the BEST bang for your buck (you get to see every inch of the CN tower and walk the trim of it + get videos/dvds/pics of your experience for $195.00...keep in mind that just skydiving or doing any sort of aerial activity WITHOUT pictures, etc. will run you close to $150.00 ANYWAY). A couple of my friends visited and chose not to go the route of doing the Edgewalk, and ended up spending like $60 or more just to get the tower experience (literally just going up to the deck and coming down, kinda thing). They all agreed that it's WORTH SEEING, but it's such a huge waste of money without the Edgewalk.