I just read Stephanie K's review about the Tempe Police Department and had a VERY similar situation happen in Scottsdale, so I think I'll share.
Dear Scottsdale Police Department,
If it's 2 am and I'm leaving a bar it doesn't mean I'm drunk.
I'm a veteran and it says so on my license plates so please, I don't need 4 cop cars surrounding me and treating me like some second class citizen because it is "in your best interest" to see what gets done.
Thanks for the verbal harassment and furthermore challenging the fact that I was even a veteran and, if I was sure I was driving my own vehicle.
Furthermore thank you for subjecting me to a FULL field sobriety test and a breathalyzer. I really really loved that.
All while you told me I was "FLYING" up the road at 47mph in a 40 mph zone, then telling me that I have "NO CHOICE" about a breathalyzer.
Also, as Stephanie noted THANK YOU SO MUCH for wasting everyone's time when I blew a 0.021. "I think that means I was telling the truth when I said I had two glasses of wine over the course of the night."
Lastly, thanks to Stephanie pointing out "threatening me with jail time that didn't adhere to the law. The best was hearing that you could give me a "DUI" if you "thought" I was drunk and my Blood Alcohol was between 0.05 and 0.08. Now I don't know about you guys but I learned in school that, 0.021 is less than 0.05."
Screw any other crime going on, your purpose is to get MY money and any shady way of doing it is being looked at as a "Strategic Method of Implementing and Implying" by your corrupt sheriff.
Thank god Scottsdale, I no longer live in you.