I live in the Huntridge neighborhood and frequent this Smith's for most of my grocery needs. The staff is fantastic! I was there last Sunday and was greeted in the bakery section by an older lady with a tray of tasty brownie samples. Score! They were delicious!
The interior looks a little older but it is clean. I can handle that. It's a lot like our historic neighborhood. Some of the houses are decades behind modern but they are clean as can be on the inside.
The outside though-needs some attention. I get hit up by panhandlers and watch bums scoping out cars every time I visit. I shop alone and I don't feel safe. I ride a scooter and there is no where to lock it up. Me and the other scooter riders lock our 'PEDs to the Handicapped signs and that usually earns a glare or two but there is no way I'm not locking my scooter. There is a bike rack but it isn't in a place that the scooters can share it. Savers has a rack for us, can you do the same?
Please help us shop with you and be comfortable getting in and out of your store.
Thank you!