| - Note: Take-out ONLY!
I'm torn. Quite possibly the best Chicken Biryani ($6, taxes in) in town, took approx. 15-20mins for me to get it, after ordering! NO ONE else was ahead of me.
Lady behind the corner was just scooping biryani into containers, but none of them were for me. She just stared at me, cluelessly, as I waited and waited.
Ordering system is broken. You give the man behind the cash your order, he shouts it out to the women. If the women don't hear/aren't paying attention/pissed off at the man for some reason, you're SOL! And I think that's what happened to me.
My friend ordered a Keema Parantha, sorta like a meat dosa, and it was very tasty, but again, we waited some 15mins. (At least that was made fresh, by hand, but biryani is scoop, scoop, scoop, & close styro container.) She also ordered a Kashmiri Tea, but after the 15-20mins, flashing the cash man our death stares, the man apologises and says that he "ran out" of the liquid that makes the base of the tea. Friend just got a refund since we didn't want to wait any longer!
Also questionable food handling practices. Lady who makes the parantha was not wearing gloves, so who knows where she's touching as she's behind a counter. :S
Alas tasty food so what is this Chicken Biryani in Mississauga to do?? Can't a girl get good, cheap food AND decent service?!?!