Usually get their tacos every Wednesday in uptown Charlotte at the corner or 3rd and Tryon. They also are sometimes at this location on Thursdays as well. Check them on Facebook to get their daily location.
On the's always really good. Keep in mind it's focused a bit more on healthy farm to table and their food is not smothered in cheese and grease to make it taste good. Anything they do with pork is always great. When they have chorizo tacos they aren't to be missed. Their potato tacos are always really good as well. I think the only thing that has been hit and miss is their chicken tacos. Not quite sure why. Maybe I'm just tired of chicken. Not to say their chicken tacos are bad I just don't end up liking them as much as the other ones I get.
Some people have already mentioned it but I'll do the same on their breakfast at Atherton market on Saturdays. Definitely worth the trip.
Another plus is they are really nice folks and service is very good. I know it's a food truck but I've been to plenty of food trucks where people working there weren't all that nice. Makes a big difference to me.
Sorry no pictures of my tacos today but I was really hungry. Trust me they were really tasty and very appetizing as well.