The RUDEST waitress I've ever had in my life. I came for winterlicious lunch with some girlfriends. The waitress was an older blonde lady who seemed like she hated life. She gave us a lot of attitude and she kept badgering us to order drinks and we kept telling her we were waiting for another friend who was late. She gave me cut eye for ordering water, her tone was condescending and she was full of attitude when explaining the menu. She gave us even more cut eye when we asked about the tea selection and when I asked about the bill. When we were paying the bill, she started being fake nice to us, fake smiling - which is unfortunately the only smiling we got from her.
She charged us 18.5% tip.. If it was up to me I would have tipped 0% for her poor customer service. The extra gratituities were not clearly mentioned. And it was only supposed to be 16%.
Other than that I enjoyed the ambiance of the restaurant and the food was good, but didn't make up for how the waitress treated us thats why I'm only giving one star.