Bait & Switch, no integrity. I was looking for a Gen 4 G19 .Right as they opened, I called and asked if there was one in stock and was informed they had 1 left. Less than 10 minutes later I arrived to see a Gen 3 G19 in a display case. I asked about the Gen 4 and was informed "it just sold" REALLY? You managed to have a seller inquire about and inspect the weapon, complete the ATF form and background check, pay and walk out in less than 10 minutes?? Not happening. The display case also did not have ANY missing Glocks indicating that the one I wanted was removed and sold. Oh wait, once it sold they immediately ran to the back and put another in its spot prior to our arrival because they move so fast.
Update* they just went as far as trying to have my review deleted. Since they want to go that route and again show their dirty side, I've decided to post a message from the manager Robert D. I will add that this is the same Robert D that rated this place with a 5 start fake review. Just go to the bottom of the page where it has the hidden reviews. Go to page 3 of hidden reviews and his will be there, right where Yelp hid it because they know you cannot review your own business!
Here is the BS message reply management sent :
"I know its hard to believe, but people with ccw's can come in fill out the paperwork and pay in about 5 mins. background checks have been taking less the 5 mins the past month if they don't have one. Maybe it is just unlucky for us to have sold the gun or maybe we made the mistake and didn't actually have one but i can promise you there is no bait and switching going on here. Im sure you already found one but if not we have several models right now, notably 1 MOS version in stock and 1 full grey model on the way. Both Gen4's. Hopefully you will consider coming to our store again, thanks!"