| - With 75% Ukrainian heritage, I've pretty much got perogies coursing through my veins. I know some people who are big fans of this truck, so I decided to hit it up during Beakerhead in Olympic Plaza. As you can guess from the two star rating, I was rather disappointed. On the menu that night were traditional cheddar and potato perogies, nacho perogies, and apple dessert perogies. I went with the traditional, since I assumed that they would have that perfected. Unfortunately, these were no better than the frozen ones from Costco that I make at home. Scratch that...I like mine better.
At $8 for 8, I would expect gourmet elements while respecting the traditional composition: homemade smetana (which is more like creme fraiche than sour cream in fat content), a really sharp cheese filling, and nice crispy lardons. As they were, these middle of the road perogies were worth $5 tops. I understand that they switch up the offbeat perogies now and again, but nachos is an underwhelming choice for me. If you have a three item menu, every one of the them has to be stellar. If they reduced the price of (or gourmet-ified) the traditional, and stuck with innovative fillings like the duck and saskatoons they had on Eat St., they'd get out of my bad books. Come on, comrades!